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Juliannah Harris, MSAT

Assistive Technology Coordinator
Serving: Humboldt and Del Norte Counties

​Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Ext: 703
Email: juliannah@tilinet.org

Juliannah Harris lost most of her sight when she was 26 years old and attending Humboldt State University. After experiencing vision loss, Juliannah realized that she could no longer do things in the same way as before. She attended the Orientation Center for the Blind where she learned how to cook, read braille, and sew with a blindfold on. However, she was most interested in the Assistive Technologies that allowed her to continue doing what she loved but in a different way, using new AT tools.

With the great help of AT, Juliannah completed her undergraduate degree in Computer Science at Humboldt State University in 2013. During her degree work, she worked as an AT Specialist for the Light House for the Blind in Humboldt County, which she loved. However, she recognized that many of her clients had multiple disabilities, and she wanted to help this diverse range of individuals. So, she pursued a Masters in Assistive Technology and Human Services from Cal State Northridge graduating in 2015.

Upon graduation, a position opened up at TCIL, where she had the opportunity to help others find independence.

“I love helping others find AT solutions, and seeing the independence it brings them.”

-Juli harris