For residents residing in a nursing home, local hospital or assisted living facility who desire to live in a less restrictive environment of their choice but require help, Tri-County Independent Living’s Home Transition Program can help by:
- Talking to them about where they want to live and receive services
- Explore services and supports that are available in their home community
- Help talk about the program with their physician and other people they love
- Plan and coordinate a return to community living
Transition Assessment
- Program is voluntary, not mandatory
- Referrals: Can be received from anyone and usually are made by social workers
- Eligibility Requirement: Must have a significant disability that can be self identified
- There may be a waiting list
- First appointment is an Intake and the individual becomes a client of TCIL
- Appointments are held in the skilled nursing facility, acute rehabilitation, hospital setting and can be done bedside.
Diversion Services
Home Transition Program Services that help prevent and avoid institutionalization due to a significant disability
- Referrals to In-Home Supportive Services
- Home set up & home modifications
- Help with finding a doctor
- Paratransit transportation to attend appointments
- Access to the TCIL Assistive Technology Lending Library
- Application assistance for community resource grants
- Locate housing options & assist with applications
- Attend interviews and lease signing appointments
- Independent Living skills training
- Information & referrals